
Welcome to my WordPress site created to track my journey through Michigan State University‘s Masters of Arts in Educational Teaching, better known as MAET, program. A basic introduction might be nice before you read through my blog, projects, and resources/tools so that you can gain a better perspective of who I am  and what I am all about.

Name: Annie Kim

Twitter: @MsAnnieKim

Teacher of Secondary English & Psychology

Born in Korea, grew up in Southern California, and have been living in West Michigan for the last decade

Have traveled, learned, taught, and experienced numerous cultures around the world

Engaged to an amazing man and will be getting married in the Fall of 2012

Better yet, maybe I can show you?

This is about who I am:

This is about what “Annie believes” about teaching & technology:


Thank you for looking around and I welcome all comments and questions and always love recommendations to further my knowledge and understanding. It is all about sharing and our Personal Learning Networks (PLN)!

Annie K. Kim

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